VMworld 2014 Barcelona – Day 3

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VMworld 2014 Barcelona – Day 3

Third and last day of VMworld was much calmer than the first two days. There were definitely much less sessions Today simply because most of people were leaving Barcelona in the evening. I was lucky to travel back home next day so I wasn’t in a rush.


INF2311 - vCenter Server Architecture and Deployment Deep Dive

Unfortunately I had to skip this session because it was incredibly early -[9]:00 AM.

OPT1517 - VMware IT - Transformation Journey to IT as a Services Organization (ITaaSO)

Yet another session about transforming classical IT into as a service model. It wasn’t that fascinating to be honest but I can’t say that I didn’t like it.

STO3247 - VMware VVOL Technical Preview with Dell Storage

Another great session about vVOL’s. I think it was better than the other one I attended because it was going much deeper into technical details. Audience asked really interesting questions about migration path from luns to vvols, performance impact of having quite a lot small objects on arrays and so on.

HBC2373 - vCloud Air = Choice, Control, and Security for Healthcare IT

Instead of this session I joined another one INF1601Taking Reporting and Command Line Automation to the Next Level with PowerCLI and this was really good decision. Luc Dekens and Brian Graf showed really interesting PowerCLI scripts. When I will have few minutes I will definitely test them in my environment.